How to optimize your home-office habits

Work productively from home and take full advantage of your optimized work-life balance.

Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Home office is an important space both during study periods and in the job market, offering numerous advantages such as flexibility, no commuting time, and an individual, self-determined work environment. These freedoms can be utilized to enhance both work-life balance and productivity.

Self-discipline and a self-regulated daily routine

Many companies offer remote work options, and students often spend their study time at their own desks. To be successful at home, a considerable amount of discipline is essential. It's important to give structure to your workday and tackle tasks using to-do lists or mind maps. You can also create a daily schedule and define your working hours in advance. Tip: The more you plan and organize beforehand, the more productive you'll be throughout the day!

Home office pitfalls

The alarm goes off five minutes before eight, you get up and sit at your desk in your pajamas. Sounds relaxed – but your work ethic suffers as a result. You don't have to overdo the home office style, but appropriate attire has a psychologically enhancing effect and promotes focused and concentrated work.

Another home office pitfall: constant snacking in front of the screen. Instead of snacking throughout the day, take a proper lunch break, which you can spend with family members, friends, or classmates!

Your workspace

To enhance productivity, it's best to spatially separate your workspace from the rest of your apartment. Regularly tidy up your desk and make sure you don't have any distractions nearby that could interrupt your flow. It's also important to set up your desk ergonomically and invest in a good desk chair and office equipment.

Enjoy the flexible days in the home office!

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