Job application

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Job application

Internship semester: How to secure the right position

Your internship semester is coming up soon and you don't have a position yet? We'll show you how to find the right place, what requirements the mandat...

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Job application

Relaxed into the future: The benefits of career events

Are career events relevant for you - and how do you use them during your studies or as a young talent? Find out in the mini-guide.

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Job application

Landing your first job as a career starter

Get your first job quickly: these tips will help!

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Job application

What you need to know for your self-presentation in a job interview

The self-presentation is an important part of the job interview - we give you tips on how best to prepare for it.

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Job application

Salary negotiation: How to be successful

The job search after graduation is accompanied by the first hurdle: Formulating your salary expectations. Don't worry, we have summarized the most imp...

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Job application

Working in a start-up - does that suit you?

For young professionals, an important question during the application phase is where they want to go: Do you prefer a large corporation, a medium-size...

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Job application

How to make your application video a success

An application video gives you the chance to impress recruiters with your personality and stand out from the crowd of applicants.

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Job application

Interview questions: strengths and weaknesses

Going into your interview well prepared is essential. This is the best way to present your strengths and weaknesses.

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Job application

Boost your self-confidence: tips for your job (interview) and everyday life

Practical tips to boost your self-confidence in everyday life

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