
Discover our Mini Guides with relevant information, tips & tricks for your career start and professional life.

Career orientation

Personal branding: Get started with your own content on LinkedIn

Optimize your LinkedIn profile and get started with your own content: We explain how it works!

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Job application

Working in a start-up - does that suit you?

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What you need to know: Earning money in an internship

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SALARY CALCULATOR shows you what you can earn and gives you an initial overview.


Neueste mini guides

Here you will find the latest Mini Guides. Stay up-to-date on topics related to your career!

Tips for students

Is a Master's degree relevant - or is a Bachelor's degree enough?

Is a Master's degree relevant for you? We have summarized the advantages and disadvantages for you.

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Tips for students

Top employers and career start in Hamburg

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Negotiating a salary increase in your first job

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GROSS-NET CALCULATOR You can easily convert your salary here.