Landing your first job as a career starter

Get your first job quickly: these tips will help!

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After graduating, you're faced with countless job opportunities, important decisions, and often stress – because financially, you quickly need that first job. Don't panic: We're here to give you practical tips on simplifying your job search.

Know your job profile and consider what's important to you in your future job. If you search aimlessly, you'll find plenty of jobs – but be confused when making a choice. Therefore, think beforehand about the field you want to work in, what type of company, and what company culture suits you. Do you already know you'd like a remote option? Then specifically search for jobs offering remote work.

Update your application documents. You've probably already created a resume and cover letter that you can use as a reference. Make sure your documents are top-notch and up-to-date. It may be worthwhile to take a new professional photo and add skills, internships, and possibly volunteer work.

Utilize networking opportunities. In addition to live events like career events and job fairs, you can also network comfortably from home: On LinkedIn, for example, you can connect with interesting people (always send a personalized message with your connection request) and search for interesting job offers and companies. Check out tips for building your LinkedIn profile.

Be proactive in applying! Set yourself a daily goal of applications to write – but only apply for positions you're genuinely interested in. Use job platforms and create a profile to get a better overview of your applications and new job opportunities.

Good luck!

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