Here are 5 success tips for your LinkedIn presence.
Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels
Seek inspiration. Start by being a passive reader and see what content performs well and what individuals have done right. What are people in your LinkedIn network discussing, and what are the current top topics that you can contribute to?
Post regularly. While one post per month is better than nothing, it won't build your personal brand and will hardly be considered by the LinkedIn algorithm. It's best to always take notes when you have an idea for a post – later you can formulate it.
Structure your text. Use paragraphs, headlines, and emojis to make your texts easy to read. Develop your own style and stand out from others!
Be authentic & tell a story. Package learnings in everyday situations and get into "telling". Good posts convey emotions through lively language and metaphors. But make sure your posts don't become endless.
Just do it! You learn from every post what went well and which topics may not have resonated.
With these compact tips, there's nothing standing in the way of your first LinkedIn posts!
2/2: Here's the first mini-guide on personal branding on LinkedIn.
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