10 tips for your successful career event

We help you prepare for our career events in the best possible way.

Max Zindel

One of our career events in sight? Here are 7 tips for your successful visit:

  1. Profile check: Log in to our website and complete your profile so that employers can contact you in advance if they are interested. 
  2. Research is key: Take a look at the event website to see which companies are taking part and arrange personal meetings in advance.
  3. Clever matching: Use the company check in our career world to find suitable companies according to your preferences. 
  4. Short and sweet: Practice your short presentation and prepare for frequently asked questions to score points with recruiters. 
  5. Fully informed: Take note of the supporting program with free presentations and workshops for valuable know-how. Tip: You can make a note of exciting presentations in your event profile. 
  6. Planning in advance: Choose your outfit the evening before. Choose appropriate clothing that you feel comfortable in! It's also best to pack a small bag with essentials such as chewing gum, a brush and deodorant. 
  7. Be on time: Check your journey to the exhibition hall, plan your route and arrive relaxed and on time.
  8. Your first impression counts: Be authentic, polite and respectful at the stand and during conversations. Make a note of the names of the people you talk to and the most important information you receive. Show interest and ask questions. Your commitment will be noticed!
  9. Contact the companies you spoke to as you agreed. Refer to the names of your contacts from the event - you have already made a personal impression!
  10. Reflect on the event and the conversations. Where did you feel most comfortable? Which company impressed you? Where would you like to apply or keep in touch? Use platforms such as LinkedIn or XING to network with your new contacts. 

Good luck! 

Current companies in Career World

Kimberlite Consulting GmbH

Kimberlite Consulting GmbH

Der Kampf um die besten Köpfe ist in vollem Gange: Fach- und Führungskräfte werden gesucht wie nie zuvor und Unternehmen haben es zunehmend schwerer High-Potentials zu finden und langfristig zu binden. Die klassischen anzeigengestützten Rekrutierungs

Versicherungskammer Bayern

Versicherungskammer Bayern

Marktführer und Platzhirsch in Bayern und der Pfalz als regionale Marke in der Versicherungsbranche.

Deichmann SE

Deichmann SE

Vom Verkauf über Logistik, den Einkauf bis in unser IT-Team – Bei uns arbeiten Mitarbeiter*innen mit einer Hands-on-Mentalität, die eigenverantwortlich und zielorientiert arbeiten, kommunikativ sind und mit uns die Zukunft von DEICHMANN gestalten!