Career starters: These topics are on the agenda now

When you start your career, things suddenly become relevant that you didn't have to think about before. We'll give you an overview of four of the important topics that you'll now have to deal with.


Private Risk Management: Keeping Disability in Focus!

Career plans can be disrupted by health impairments. Statutory disability pensions only kick in after five years of contributions. Here, a private disability insurance comes in handy, providing a pension if you are at least 50 percent impaired in your occupation. Starting early pays off for affordable protection!

Useful comparison portals like Check24 give you an overview, whether you want to check, for example, the price-performance ratio of your health insurance.

Investments: Finding the Right Investment for Your Financial Future!

Before diving into saving, explore the variety of investment options. Professional advice is advisable. Follow this process: assess the current situation, define goals, identify gaps, determine risk profile, and select suitable asset classes. Starting to save early offers advantages, and diversifying investments based on time and security levels minimizes risks. You can often get free advice on this topic from your bank.

Retirement Planning: Private or Occupational - Which Path is Better?

As an employee, you have the choice: private pension plans or company pension schemes? The latter can be attractive due to employer contributions. The contribution is deducted directly from the gross salary, but social security contributions and income tax are due upon payout. Life circumstances influence the decision, so it's worth having a conversation with the HR department and retirement planning specialists.

Key Decisions for a Successful Career Entry!

Set the course now for optimal protection and achievement of your savings goals. As a young person, you can achieve great things over time with little effort. Early engagement with these topics is the key to financial stability and success in various stages of life.

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