Interview questions: strengths and weaknesses

Going into your interview well prepared is essential. This is the best way to present your strengths and weaknesses.

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Preparation is crucial for questions about strengths and weaknesses in a job interview. Emphasize relevant strengths and avoid irrelevant weaknesses. Laziness, unpunctuality, and unreliability are generally taboo.

What should you pay attention to in the job interview?

  • Relate strengths and weaknesses to the job.
  • Avoid taboo weaknesses for your dream job.
  • List three points each and explain in more detail.
  • Turn weaknesses into strengths: Show solutions.

Beware of too much information:

  • Be brief and concise, list about three points each.
  • Use examples to explain weaknesses.

Turn weaknesses into strengths:

  • Emphasize how you work on weaknesses.
  • Show solutions, e.g., effective time management despite occasional impatience.

Master hidden questions:

  • Be prepared for indirect questions about strengths and weaknesses.
  • Answer assessment questions thoughtfully and authentically.

When in doubt: Stay honest and authentic!

  • For surprise questions, be as honest as possible.
  • Request time to think if necessary.
  • Honesty and authenticity are always advantageous in a job interview.

Learn more about your successful self-presentation in a job interviews here

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Procter & Gamble Manufacturing GmbH

Procter & Gamble Manufacturing GmbH

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