Your job orientation and career in Essen

Looking for career opportunities in the Essen area? Read more about the job sector, employers and activities for a day trip.

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Essen is definitely not a boring city! The University of Duisburg-Essen is one of the largest universities in Germany with campuses in Duisburg and Essen. It offers a wide range of degree programs in various disciplines, with the most popular ones being engineering, economics, natural sciences, and social/humanities sciences.

Career Orientation in Essen and Surrounding Areas: What to Expect

Energy & Resources: RWE AG and E.ON SE are leading energy companies active in Essen and the region.

Other major companies in the region include ThyssenKrupp AG (steel and heavy industry) and Evonik Industries AG (chemical industry) – Evonik Industries has its headquarters in Essen. Insurance and financial services are also represented in Essen, with companies like the Signal Iduna Group active in the area.

Other Employer Highlights in the Region: Deichmann, one of Europe's largest shoe retail companies, has its headquarters in Essen.

Career in IT? The State Office for Information and Technology NRW (IT.NRW) has a significant location in Essen.

These are just a few examples of the job industry and your career opportunities in Essen!

Day Trip to Essen for Career Orientation? Here's What You Can Do

Are you visiting a job fair in Essen and traveling from the region to the city? We have 4 tips for you on how to turn your visit into a day trip or weekend getaway.

Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site: Formerly one of the world's largest coal mines, Zollverein is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The site features an industrial museum, exhibitions, restaurants, and cultural events.

Essen Cathedral: Essen Cathedral, officially known as the Cathedral of Essen, is a Gothic church from the 9th century – an important religious and historical landmark of the city.

Grugapark: Outdoor stroll? Grugapark is a large park in Essen and a botanical garden in the heart of the city. The park offers a variety of plants, flower beds, ponds, playgrounds, and event areas.

Museum Folkwang: Museum Folkwang is a renowned art museum with a large collection of paintings, sculptures, graphics, and photographs from various periods and cultures.

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Wir machen Top-Talente zum Unternehmensberater! Einstiegsgehalt ~€100.000. Potential: Millionär mit 30 Jahren!

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In einer Zeit, in der das „Ich“ anscheinend mehr zählt als das „Wir“, wird es höchste Zeit umzudenken. Wir von der R+V stehen für das Füreinander und handeln danach. Darum sagen wir klar und deutlich: „Du bist nicht allein.“

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Deichmann SE

Vom Verkauf über Logistik, den Einkauf bis in unser IT-Team – Bei uns arbeiten Mitarbeiter*innen mit einer Hands-on-Mentalität, die eigenverantwortlich und zielorientiert arbeiten, kommunikativ sind und mit uns die Zukunft von DEICHMANN gestalten!