How to master your next oral exam during your studies

Read about relevant tips for the next oral exam during your studies.

Pexels/Mikael Blomkvist

In university, you have an oral exam coming up and you need tips for the exam situation? We've summarized the best tips for a successful outcome.

The oral exam usually consists of two parts: a prepared presentation and a subsequent examination discussion, where examiners will question you on the topic.

Your checklist:

  • Preparation is key: Use flashcards and practice your presentation in front of friends or family. The more confident you feel, the more self-assured you'll be on the exam day. Prepare thoroughly for the exam topics.
  • Plan your outfit: Avoid stress on exam day by laying out everything you need the night before.
  • Arrive early and account for possible delays and train cancellations.

What to focus on during the exam:

  • Maintain plenty of eye contact with the examiners and think out loud – every sentence can earn you additional points.
  • Stumble or lose your train of thought? No need to panic. Take a deep breath, collect your thoughts, and start over.
  • Present solid and clear arguments to demonstrate your understanding of the topic. A concluding summary strengthens your argumentation.

Exam anxiety? These 3 tips can help:

  1. Be open about it: It's okay to feel nervous. Just acknowledge it – your professors have likely encountered this before and are likely to be understanding.
  2. Take deep breaths and stand tall: It's been proven that good posture boosts confidence. You can also employ relaxation techniques such as deep belly breathing or a brief relaxation meditation.
  3. Use self-motivation: Remind yourself that you've studied enough and are well-prepared. Recall past successes. Why shouldn't this exam be just as successful?

Good luck! 

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