Working in a start-up - does that suit you?

For young professionals, an important question during the application phase is where they want to go: Do you prefer a large corporation, a medium-sized company or perhaps a start-up?

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A start-up offers an exceptional atmosphere for young talents. The sense of "togetherness" holds great importance within the company. Typically, you encounter young, motivated colleagues who strongly identify with the start-up's vision.

The advantages of working in a start-up lie in swift decision-making processes, the company vision serving as a motivating factor, and the impact one's work has within the company.

The application process in a start-up is usually less complicated than in larger companies – often, the focus is on personal fit.

Disadvantages in start-ups often include undefined structures and a lot of independent work. There might also be a security risk: Some young start-ups establish themselves in the market and thrive, while others do not.

Another factor is salary: You cannot expect as much as in larger companies. However, in young companies, there's the opportunity for faster development and consequently, salary increases.

Conclusion: Working in a start-up is worthwhile for rapid development, a team of young colleagues, and an exceptional atmosphere. It's up to you to decide if the start-up spirit suits you or not.

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