How to make your application video a success

An application video gives you the chance to impress recruiters with your personality and stand out from the crowd of applicants.


Your checklist for a successful application video:

  1. Good Equipment: Record your video with a smartphone with good camera quality. A mobile phone tripod is worthwhile to prevent shaky footage. If you don't have a tripod, prop your phone against objects and ensure that your framing is straight and as centered as possible.
  2. Pay attention to good sound quality and lighting – ideally film in daylight near a window.
  3. Choose the right setting: Check in advance what will be visible in the background of your video. A neutral background is best.
  4. Select an outfit, that is appropriate and in which you feel comfortable! Dress as you would for a job interview.
  5. Plan the rough outline of your video in advance: You shouldn't read from a script, but it helps to go through what you want to say beforehand. Take some relaxed test shots first and check if everything is consistent.
  6. Pay attention to any requirements, if the video is required in the application process. If you are making a video on your own initiative, structure it like an elevator pitch and make sure it doesn't become too long.

Your video is recorded? Great! Now, a video editing program can give your video the final touch.

Don't worry, you don't need an expensive program: There are several free apps available for mobile phones that allow you to do basic video editing. But don't overdo it with special effects – after all, the application video is primarily to get a personal impression of you.

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